1st F 01/28/2022 40 Sun Laps

QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 01/28/2022
Title: 40 Sun Laps
Number of HIMs: 7
Armrest, Betty Crocker, Doughboy, DQ, Gumbo, Octagon, Radar

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank during disclaimer
Review of F3 Mission
5 Merkins IC
21s only with 40 … We failed, 5 penalty burpees

Mosey to the field to find Cindy lined up on the goal line and Bogeys CHAD 1000 playlist already playing.


Tha Thang:
4/40/10 x 40

4 burpees
40 yard dash
10 Merkins at the 40 or 10 curls at the goal line
Repeat Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM) for 40 minutes

160 burpees total (+5 from the warmup penalty)
1,600 yards of sprints
200 Merkins
200 Curls

All complaints about the music selection can be forwarded to Bogey@Colosseum.com. Pretty sure he'll only laugh at them. No children under the age of 18 were present, so the language filter was not turned on.

Offered up an opportunity to skip a set if Radar could name the artist of C.R.E.A.M. Even with phone a friend, they didn't get Wu Tang Clan.

Countarama, Namearama, Announcements, Pledge, and Prayer

Pre Convergence ruck at 0500. Bring your own coffee thermos, YHC will bring coffee.
Convergence tomorrow at 0600 at Lake Mayer.

Prayers for RH friend of Armrest about to go through chemo treatments for Stage IV cancer.
Prayers for colleague of DQ who has a large cyst in her abdomen that sent her to the ER yesterday.