1st F 01/24/2022 Sprint Track Showdown

QiC: R-12
Date: 01/24/2022
Title: Sprint Track Showdown
Number of HIMs: 9
Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Door Jam, Fro-Zone, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, R-12, Sakrete, Slick

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Trunk Twists & Disclaimer
Big Arm Circles
Through The Tunnels
Imperial Walkers
Mosey Lap around the Bus Loop

Tha Thang:
Sprint Track was set up 50 yards long. x5 cones separated the two sides of the track and were spread out equally at 10 yd intervals. Each Pax would sprint down the open side of the track and complete x5 pit stops on the other side of the track coming back to the start line. Every time the Pax cross the start line for another lap the number of reps at each pit stop increases by x1. Starting # of reps was x5 at each pit stop. A brief 30 rest was allowable at the end of the stretch of pit stops to catch your breath “IF” & “Only IF” you raced another Pax down the sprint section.
Pit Stops Exercises:
1) 8 Count Man Makers
2) Sumo Squat Jumps
3) WWII’s
4) Low Grip Plank Jacks
5) Groiners
Finished the Sprint Track Showdown with a final lap around the bus loop at maximum effort pace. The legs were sufficiently gassed by this point so a determined effort was key. Strong Finishes we’re completed by ALL.

Numberama – Namarama – Pledge – Prayer
Book Club @ Just Love
Lake Mayer Convergence this Sat @ 0600
Prayers for Cheddar Biscuits family as they mourn the loss of a family member.
Continued prayers for all those struggling through illness & loss

Remember that Discipline = Freedom. Let’s start our year out with a disciplined focus on getting better every day and encouraging our brothers to do the same