QiC: Bogey
Date: 01/21/2022
Title: No Candy A$$es Allowed
Number of HIMs: 9
Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Door Jam, Fro-Zone, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, R-12, Sakrete, Tutti Frutti
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Disclaimer during plank and lots of mumble chatter about how nice the weather was in the gloom. Mr. Miyagi thinks he made up with Bogey but using the “C” word around The Colosseum is a no-no. I think we can all agree that today’s weather did not fall in the category of risking life and limb. I work in the risk management business and would maybe consider lightning, tornadoes, air raid sirens, etc. as more like “acts of God”. We should still proceed with the workout anyway. 🙂
We might also have reviewed F3 Core Principle #3 in further detail…while also doing a few through the tunnels, Don Quixotes, Moroccan Night Clubs, and everyone’s favorite…Snuffies, which by the way is even more fun when you’re not very coordinated.
Tha Thang:
Start with mucho chesto suicide runs. 3 cones set up and ran from starting neck pole to each cone and back performing reps of 50 merkins at each cone for total of 250 merkins. Within those 50 reps we did standard merkins, wide stance merkins, diamond merkins, and 2 sets of staggered merkins. The original plan was 50. YHC had to dial it back to 30 because a wise man once said if you can’t Q it, then don’t do it.
Next is mucho leggo suicide runs. Same three cones. Run from starting neck pole to each cone and back. Perform 50 reps each of squats, bonnie blairs, bobby hurley, box cutters, and one-legged squats at each subsequent cone. Another audible called and it was 30 reps for everything but first set of squats which stayed at 50.
Then we did a normal suicide run to the all the cones.
Moseyed back to the flag for some Mary: LBCs called in cadence by MM, E2K OYO, and finished up with Pickle Pounders IC. It was obvious some PAX were not comfortable changing speeds during PP’s in cadence. They were instructed to practice at home. Hopefully they understood the assignment.
YHC provided a testimony (thanks Fro for the reminder) about how we work so hard to EH others that we also need to be as persistent or even more in retaining our PAX. Let’s continue to give it away and get the guys into F3, but work twice as hard to keep them.
Quote of the day: “Who you become is infinitely more important than what you do or what you have.” -Matthew Kelly