1st F 01/12/2022 Dogs by 33

QiC: Buzz
Date: 01/12/2022
Title: Dogs by 33
Number of HIMs: 9
Bring it, Buzz, Chum, Coffee Bean, Doobie, Fresh Prince, Hoover, Low Tide, Pihole

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Jumping jacks
Grass pickers
Full Stretch out

Tha Thang:
Mosey to pain locker grab a Cindy for everyone.
Hit the turf field.
In memory of Georgia Bulldogs winning by a score of 33
We started on the 10. With Cindy
5yd line OHP with Cindy -33 times
10yd line merkins -33
15yd line Bonnie Blair’s-33
20yd line leg lifts with Cindy- 33
25yd line mountain climbers- 33
30yd line Cindy presses-33
35yd line curls for the girls-33
40yd line kettle bell swings-33
45yd line bent over rows-33
50yd line leave Cindy and sprint to endzone turn around sprint back to 50
Repeat workout back to 10 the sprint back to end zone
Then sprint back grab Cindy and head home.

Prayers for teachers and students staying healthy. Prayers for little Nora having surgery for a possible cancerous tumor. Prayers for father in law Bob and his cancer treatments. Prayers for Jake gilliand police officer with serious brain tumor.