1st F 01/03/2022 WELCOME to 2022

QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 01/03/2022
Title: WELCOME to 2022
Number of HIMs: 6
Betty Crocker, Cropduster, DQ, Radar, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Started a couple minutes early because we were cold in the wind.

Plank with disclaimer
10 Merkins IC
22s (21s, but up to 22 instead for 2022)
T^3 IC

Indian Run long way to Cindy

Tha Thang:
Music themed workout for the day, all songs that have "Welcome" in the title or lyrics.

"Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns & Roses
Song duration: 4:33
Jungle Squats during verse
Twisted Mountain Climbers during chorus

Run a parking lot lap

"Welcome to Atlanta" by Jermaine Dupri & Ludacris
Song duration: 3:20
A – Arm Curls until failure
T – tricep extension until failure
L – Live Wires – single leg burpees until failure
repeat until song end

Run a parking lot lap

"Welcome to the Machine" by Pink Floyd
Song duration: 7:31
P – 22 plank jacks
I – 22 Imperial Squat Walkers
N – 22 Nipple Merkins
K – 22 kettle bell swings
Floyd's – 22 WWII with jab punches at top ala Floyd Mayweather
repeat until song end

Run a parking lot lap

"Welcome to Paradise" by Green Day
Song duration: 3:44
Lead singer of Green Day is Billie Joe Armstrong
Burpees, until failure, at least 10
Jump Lunges, until failure
ArmStrong – Curls, until failure
repeat until song end

No time for parking lot lap

"Welcome Home" aka Sanitarium by Metallica
Song duration: 6:27
Tabata style 30 sec on, 10 transition
TAps (alternating shoulder taps from plank)
LL – LL Cool J – Lunge Lunge Burpee (because burpees are cool) Jump squat
Ice skaters
CrAwls – bear crawl out and back
repeat until song end

Skipped 2 songs for time:
"Welcome to Miami" by Will Smith
Song duration: 3:17
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, but since they speak so much Spanish in Miami, it was going to be called "Cabessa Brazos Piernas Pieds". This is simply moving Cindy from your feet all the way up and behind your head for the duration of the song.

"Welcome to My House" by FloRida
Song duration: 3:12
Hammers * 50 seconds
ObliqUes * 50 seconds
Scissors * 50 seconds
Easy plank until song end

Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0DhQbnByDExTAOMldpOMJR?si=X-YtCvPRRlasUoNB4NgXAg&utm_source=copy-link

Count, names, announcements, pledge, prayer

Possible convergence at Lake Mayer on 1/22, more details to come.

Pooler AO will not meet Wednesday to go sorry Colosseum 1 year anniversary.