QiC: Fro-Zone
Date: 12/29/2021
Title: Back to the Drawing Board
Number of HIMs: 6
Bogey, Fro-Zone, Mr. Miyagi, Pedi, Pergo, Poke bowl
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
YHC was feeling like crap so we made a quick disclaimer while performing Michael Phelps. YHC then gave EVERY Pax a chance to talk about how F3 had been influential to them in 2021. Pax performed silent count leg & arm stretches while everyone shared.
Tha Thang:
Oh Dora! We did slightly modify this workout for a little increased suck.
Pax were to complete 50 – Colosseums, 100 – Freddie Merks, 150 – Hillbillies, pax completed ALL of these on their own. After 25 reps of each exercise, pax would mosey down to 2nd light pole and perform a Honker (2 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Hindi Squats, 2 Burpees) before returning to complete the next 25 until everyone finished. Rinse & Repeat – however I’m not sure anyone got this far & YHC for sure was picking up the 6.
Counterama. Namerama.
New Year’s Day ruck starts at 0400 in Colosseum parking lot. 2.0 friendly workout with BC tomorrow at 0700. Being looking at Slack to be informed of upcoming events.
Prayers for those battling sickness. Backstreet. Poke Bowl & Pedi’s father.
“Born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth. Hark the Herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King!”