QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 12/10/2021
Title: 3 bad ideas
Number of HIMs: 9
Betty Crocker, Brady Bunch, DQ, Honker, Octagon, Portabella, Radar, Sweet -n -low
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Plank with disclaimer and review of the 5 core principles of F3
Through the Tunnel, Don Quixote, Michael Phelps
Tha Thang:
Bad Idea #1:
Run the bleachers, simple enough
Only at the bottom of each stairs, we all plank. 1 PAX sprints up and down the stairs, when he gets to the bottom, the next PAX goes. Plank at the next set of stairs until all PAX have finished the previous stairs.
Rinse and Repeat for a full lap of bleachers.
This was a lot more plank than YHC expected. We modified for time by calling for the next PAX to start when the current pax was at the top of the stairs. Also modified to do 2 sets of stairs before we have to plank.
Bad idea #2:
Side Walking Merkins (immediately after lots of bleacher plank)
Start at the goal line facing a sideline. Do 1 standard merk, move towards the 10 yard line bringing hands and feet together, do 1 diamond merk, then wide, then diamond … Until you get to the 10 yard line.
At the 10, do 10 Burpees.
Side merkin walk to the 20 (face other direction to change it up). At the 20, do 20 jump squats.
Q called an audible, this set, only do the merkin on the wide stance, no diamond merks. At the 30, do 30 WWIIs.
From the 30 to the 40, only do the merkin on the diamond. 40 Bonnie Blairs (20 per leg).
From the 40 to the 50, PAX voted to only do the wide grip merks again, not diamonds.
At the 50, do Expanding Suicides. From the 50, run to a 40, then suicide to the other 40, then suicide to the opposite 30, then the other 30, then opposite 20 … All the way until both goal lines were touched.
Original plans were to go back down so that we would side walk Merkin the entire field. But time was already getting short. YHC audible again … 20 yard broad jumps, good form, take your time. Not fast bunny hops.
Bad Idea #3:
Feet off the ground for 6 minutes of Mary. Dealers Choice abs, but keep those feet up even while the next PAX chooses an exercise. We did:
Gas Pumpers called by YHC
LBCs called by DQ
Spell BACKSTREET called by SnL
Heels to Heaven called by Deuce
Alternating Knee Holds called by Honker
Freddie Mercs called by Brady Bunch
Hello Dolly called by Radar
Flutter Kicks called by Portobella
Box Cutters called by Octagon
Boat Canoe called by YHC
Count, Name, Announcements, Pledge, Prayer
Book club today at noon at McCallister's in Pooler
Expansion scouting workout in work for Pooler/Effingham Saturdays… First site candidate is Countryside Baptist Church. Talk to Door Jam for more details.
Continued prayers for Backstreet and BC's dad
Deuce recommended Podcast about the rise and fall of Mars Hill Church, put out by Christianity Today (disclaimer, Deuce does not generally agree with Christianity Today's positions).