1st F 11/29/2021 Cindy/Blockee/Bear Crawl Suicides

QiC: Bogey
Date: 11/29/2021
Title: Cindy/Blockee/Bear Crawl Suicides
Number of HIMs: 6
Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Mr. Miyagi, Sakrete, Tutti Frutti, Wash-out

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Disclaimer during some Michael Phelps. YHC thought it would be good to take it slow for the ol’ warmup. So we might have done the following: slow merks, slow squats, slow Don Quixote’s, slow monkey humpers, slow box cutters. It only got awkward during the really slow monkey humpers.

Tha Thang:
Four cones. Rifle carry Cindy to first cone. Stop and do 10 blockees. Then bear crawl back to start line. Do 25 foxholes (WWI and followed by a merkin. That’s one rep.) Next movement is to run back to Cindy at first cone and rifle carry it to second cone. Drop and do 20 blockees. Then bear crawl back to start line. Do 25 foxholes again. Get up and run to Cindy and rifle carry her to third cone. Then it’s 30 blockees. After bear crawl back to start line and go right into 25 more foxholes. Run to Cindy and farmer carry to fourth cone. You know the drill. It’s 40 blockees followed with a bear crawl back to the starting line again. Finish off with last set of 25 foxholes and then run and bring Cindy back home to the starting line.

YHC did get challenged by WashOut at cone number 4. He said that he could murder bunny back to starting line faster than I could bear crawl. Ok we are talking about 80 yards total here. Let’s just say YHC lost big time. Bogey had to get up and start running after 50 yards just to keep up the pace Washout was doing murder bunnies. Big man can move!

No Q source today. Bridge ruck and run this Sat morning. Leadership book club on Fri.

Praying for Cheddar’s finals week to go well and for Mr. Miyagi’s job interview on Fri.

Continue to look out for each other and help those that are struggling.

Pledge, pray, and on our way! (And not necessarily in that order)