1st F 11/27/2021 Turkey bowl🏈🏈

QiC: Cheddar Biscuit
Date: 11/27/2021
Title: Turkey bowl🏈🏈
Number of HIMs: 21
_Not Registered, Armrest, Betty Crocker, Bogey, Brady Bunch, Butterfingers, Cheddar Biscuit, Coffee Bean, Fresh Prince, Gumbo, LiveWire, Mr. Miyagi, Shark Tank, Sweet -n -low, Trophy, Tutti Frutti

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Little warm up before the big game! Definitely gave a disclaimer on this one! No one can blame Cheddar for they injuries.
– 20 TTT
– 20 hillbillies
– plank (right foot forward stretch, then left leg forward)
– rocked back on the heels for the calves

Tha Thang:
– Workout first:
When Tutti was my coach on the pooler rec field he made us run snakes up and down the field so had to repay him the favor.
Run the width of field, lung 10 yards up, do 1 burpee, 10 merks and 10 LBC’s. Increase up to the 50 yard line, with reps increasing as well. Unless you’re tutti, you modify and don’t do LBC’s because he’s scared of the wet ground.

Total count in the 20 minute timeframe:
300 merkins
300 LBC
30 burpees

Finally, game time arrived! Offenses were slacking big time, but Betty Crocker’s big pick 6 put Pooler ahead, where we stayed there for the rest of the game! Pooler win AGAIN….14-7.
Always great fellowship when interacting with other AO’s!

– pledge
– prayer