1st F 10/08/2021 Skipping Leg Day

QiC: Portabella
Date: 10/08/2021
Title: Skipping Leg Day
Number of HIMs: 6
Backstreet, Betty Crocker, Brady Bunch, DQ, Portabella, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Michael Phelps disclaimer
Tricep stretches
10x Chinooks each direction IC
10x MNC's IC

Tha Thang:
Mosey to the back lot for EMOM Stations. YHC has been dealing with some beat up legs from a mix of hiking, IronPax challenges, and leg-heavy workouts, so took advantage of leading the workout to remove all leg exercises (except for running) to get a day of recovery in.

9 stations:
1) Tricep Dips
2) Pullups
3) WWII's
4) Cindy Curls
5) Merkins
6) 2 Cindy Grips (for grip strength)
7) Flutter Kicks
8) OHP's
9) Plank

3 rounds of the 9 stations:
Round 1: Forward – Playlist: Modern Country including Fancy Like (For Betty Crocker)
2 min rest – Lap around furthest island and back
Round 2: Reverse – Playlist: 90's Alternative Rock
2 min rest – Lap around furthest island and back in other direction
Round 3: Forward – Playlist: 80's Rock + Huey Lewis
Another lap around furthest island before mosey back to the flag

Announcements – Convergence next weekend 10/16. F3 10-year in Wilmington, NC this weekend, some open spots still available.
Prayer – Praise for recent healings. Prayers for continued healings. Prayers for safe travel to/from/at F3 10-year this weekend.
Thanks for the chance to lead again fellas. To those going to the F3 10-year, enjoy and represent the CE well!