1st F 08/26/2021 Ladder 20,40,60… with some burpees

QiC: Hulk
Date: 08/26/2021
Title: Ladder 20,40,60… with some burpees
Number of HIMs: 8
BCG, Butterfingers, Click it, LiveWire, Low Tide, TNT, Trophy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

20 SSH, 15 Merkin, Downward dog/cobra, 10 plank jacks

Tha Thang:
10 burpees, run 20yd, 20 big boi, return to the goal line
10 burpees, run 40yd, 40 merkins, return
10 burpees, run 60yds, 60 bonnie blairs, return
10 burpees, run 80yds, 80 pushup bras, return
10 burpees, run 100yds, 100 air squat, return, 10 burpees
Mary go round, 25LBC, 20 side crunch, 35 heel taps, 50 gas pumpers, 20 freddy, 5 cpt. thor, boat/canoe.

found a locker for the new girls, pledge, prayer for Brian, Stork, covid