1st F 08/06/2021 Oh you wanted your legs to work this weekend? My bad.

QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 08/06/2021
Title: Oh you wanted your legs to work this weekend? My bad.
Number of HIMs: 10
Betty Crocker, Gumbo, Honker, Klump, Radar, Swabbie, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank, disclaimer, dive bombers, motivators from 10

Tha Thang:
Start at the drag strip. Sprint as fast as you can until Q calls stop (about 8 seconds of sprint). Turn around wherever you stopped and then all at the same start time, Sprint back. Winner gets a prize.

Mosey to the lane with curbs near the playground. Sweet& Low won the sprint, his prize was naming his favorite band which became the Pandora seed for music for the day. He chose 3 Dog Night. Solid selection. This could've been bad for YHC if SnL was a country music fan. Or bad for Honker if Norm was there and selected Disney show tunes.

Leg workout had 3 elements.

Element 1: For all PAX, EMOM for 30 minutes do 10 Monkey Humpers.

Element 2: One timer PAX: Do 100 abyss squats (low, standing on cinder blocks) with your choice of weights. Options were standard Cindy, cement filled PVC pipe, 60# sandbag, or new mini barbell courtesy of Deuce. Still have to do Monkey Humpers EMOM. Rotate timer to another PAX once 100 squats are completed.

Element 3: Remaining PAX do a Leg exercise together called by Q. Exercise only changed once the timer PAX finally gets his 100 squats completed. Exercises we did were:
* Pulse lunges with Cindy
* Calf Raises on curb with Cindy
* Alternating squats (one foot on Cindy, one on ground, squat. Both feet on Cindy for a mermaid squat. Other foot on ground, other on Cindy, squat.)
* KB Swings
* Jump squats

If your legs weren't screaming, you were likely cheating yourself.

Count, names, Announcements, pledge, prayer

Doughboy is back in town, but wasn't there.
DQ is taking 1 recovery day per Fireball. We'll see him in September.

Spartan round 2 talks under way, sorry Norm. Jacksonville in February. See #spartan_ocr channel on Slack for details.

Prayers for Flat Tire recovery from surgery. Prayers for educators getting the school year off and running.