QiC: Gumbo
Date: 06/18/2021
Title: Full Body Joy
Number of HIMs: 10
Betty Crocker, Enron, Gumbo, Norm, Octagon, Quikrete, Radar, Sweet -n -low
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Arm circles
Through the tunnels
Quad stretch
Hamstring stretch
Groin stretch
Tha Thang:
Lunges for a 1/10 of a mile
Did a cycle of 16 rounds with 10 stations
Each round started with 3 modified burpees that's added Ski jumps for 30 seconds and then the station for 45 seconds.
1. Heavy rope
2. Standing Close grip cindy press
3. Moving merkins (4 to each side)
4. Pull ups
5. Dips
6. Shrugs with 2 Cindy's
7. Hold squat position with a Cindy over your head
8. Planks
9. Shoulders dive bombers
10. Flipping the heavy tire.
Nameorama, announcements, pledge, prayer