1st F 03/02/2021 No Gloves Tuesday

QiC: _Not Registered
Date: 03/02/2021
Title: No Gloves Tuesday
Number of HIMs: 6
_Not Registered, Betty Crocker, Brady Bunch, Farva, Flat Tire

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:


Tha Thang:
2 started early. 4 for the regular schedule start.
The rain kept others away that were a little faint of heart.
P200 is coming, 17 days away,
YHC is ready to be able to skip run day!

Pledge and Lord's Prayer

Great to have Drop Kick from F3 Cape Fear join us. We should have more of our PAX sign up for the F3 10 year in October so we can go see his home turf.