QiC: R-12
Date: 02/20/2021
Title: Puddle Pirate Paradise
Number of HIMs: 8
Betty Crocker, Cheddar Biscuit, Fro-Zone, Hobby Lobby, R-12, Slick, Swabbie, Turnbuckle
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Stretch & Disclaimer: R-12 is NOT a professional. Everyone volunteered to come do this stupid crap. R-12 is NOT a terrible person, he just has a lot of terrible ideas. Time to get dirty
Tha Thang:
The Hateful 8 were back again starting with a 1.5 mile team ruck carrying 1) the telephone pole 2) the 120 lb Bear Bag 3) an off road tire. All 3 coupons were carried the full 1.5 miles – pax took turns rotating through each of the coupons.
The Obstacle Course
Starts with the beloved Famers Carry Suicide across the parking lot stopping to knock out x25 squats back at the start line every time you finished dropping Cindy off at the next island. Each Pax was responsible for getting both cindy’s across the parking lot.
Next came the tractor tire flip. Pax formed a line, the first flipped the tire and then stepped out of line to complete a burpee while the next pax up flipped the tire. Continued rotating through until the tire had been flipped across the parking lot.
Then came everyone’s favorite: Puddle Pirate Suicides. We placed a cone on both sides of the retention pond. Each pax had to complete 3 burpees and then swim across the retention pond to complete 3 burpees on the other side then turning around to swim back across. We completed 4 rounds of this and the experience did successfully give us all frozen nipples! Also, those ponds are Much deeper than they look!
Next obstacle was a 25 yard army crawl with our rucks before we flipped over on our back to knock out another 25 yard combat crawl.
Running short on time and having icicles hanging in places we would rather not discuss, the Q decided we would pick all of our heavy crap up and take it home but not before Farva “Lightfoot” stopped his run to document our misery. What a Pal
Namarama – Pledge – Prayer
Things we learned along the way this morning
* Hobby Lobby has a thing for Giant necklaces with heavy treads
* Betty Crocker thinks R-12 has mental issues and still followed him into the freezing water
* Frozone is too fast to NOT be running the P200
* Slick can combat crawl 100 meters on his back faster the Usain Bolt can run it
* Cheddar Biscuit emphatically believes this was the DUMBEST thing he has ever done with us
* Swabbie can just show up with no training and still crush a brutal workout
* Turnbuckle was much to wisdomous to follow us into the freezing water
* R-12 is not a terrible person, but he only ever has terrible ideas
* Flatire ran 10 miles and still thinks WE are the crazy ones
* Farva has a new nickname “Lightfoot” you would just have to see it to believe it