The few, the proud 4 souls did not take OK as good enough: @Trophy @chop @Primary and yhc! Two docs and two engineers! Warmarama (11ct IC): morrocan jack, asphalt pickers, freddy mercury, and 5 yurpee OYO. Spell 7/8 Moon with both feet. Thang: pickup 4 double wide Cindy’s from the hurt locker. Mosey to park parking lot. Partner up: docs @chop @Primary vs engineers @Trophy yhc. 2rounds for time (inverse ladder that adds to 11 reps every time, ascendingrun ladder) Start 1 rep ex1, 10 rep ex2. Turn and burn one parking line. Next 2 rep ex2, 9 rep ex2. Turn and burn to second parking line. 15 manmakers Round1: Ex1=elevated merkin Ex2=hello dolly with cindy planked above face. Engineers won of course! Round2: Ex1=double wide swing Ex2=legups with cindy planked above face 15 manmakers plus 5 manmaker penalty to @Trophy @chop for not finishing together. Mosey back… Then there was three! @Primary pulled a @salmonella and broke double wide cindy’s heart into five pieces literally! We each paid our respects to Betsy and her love during namarama! Pledge COT, @Primary leading bible study 6:45pm RHUMC tonight. Pray for Julie, covid19 patients. @chop Q Friday, full moon and Friday the 13th, be there! @salmonella Saturday! Hump day #winning