24 Squared!
Three intrepid souls dominated the wet gloom: @Trophy @chop yhc @Doobie
Warmarama (Kobie Bryant 24 ct IC): SSH, merkins, mountain climbers.
Quick transition to Cindy Grinder! Mosey to Cindy woodline and carry Cindy to the backside of the Admin bldg complex.
In tribute to Kobie Bryant and the 8 other casualties: 24 x 24. 24 rounds with 12 ascending and 12 descending ladder sprints with 24 ct exercise after each sprint.
Move cindy one parking line, complete 24 Cindy Overhead Press, run back to start line and move Cindy one more parking line for next 24 ct exercise (Incline Merkin, sumo Cindy squat, forward walking lunge, American Hammer, fuel pumpers) for thg he next 18 rounds Dealer’s Choice alternating between Pax! My favorites from @Trophy were thrusters and burpee jump overs.
rama, namarama, pledge, COT!
Sell more pork butts! @Stoke Q Wednesday, @Trophy Q Friday. Who is hungry to VQ Saturday?
Thanks for the overwhelming prayers and support for Julie and the fam! I truly appreciate the brotherhood! It been a tough week! Seize the week!