Big day, two FNGs and a big welcome back to @sideshow and @flash, just finished infantry basic at Fort Benning! Seven brave souls finished the three-phase team competition: @Pinkie @Stoke @sideshow @flash @fng Uriah Perez-@orca @fng Ella Peterson-@sb yhc @Doobie! Team @sideshow vs Team @flash!
Warmarama 21 4ct: morrocan jacks, imperial walkers, plank jacks, cobra, chinook hovers, and leg spell “ChristmasEve”
Divided into two team: @Flash, @Pinkie, @Stoke, @Orca, vs @Sideshow @Sb @Doobie ; one cinder block per team.
Phase 1: run around lake, @each wooden bench-complete per person total per team: 25xdecline merkin, 25xair squat, 25xlegup. First team to playground behind MES. TEAM @flash won this one.
Phase 2: playground speed round: complete per person total per team: 25xpullup, 25x lawn mower pull, 25xair squat. TEAM @flash won this one too!
Phase 3: winner take all-tennis court dodge ball. TEAM @sideshow won both games and won it all! Moseyed back to flag. #rama, namarama, favorite family Christmas tradition, named two FNGs: @orca Uriah Perez, @Shutter rrecruit from yesterday! Likes swimming and went to school at UWashington. @sb Ella Peterson likes soccer and sleep, soccer ball or sleeping beauty.
Congratulated @flash Ethan Starbird and @sideshow Ryan Starbird with Infantry challenge coin (first) and their first glint tape combat flag! Great job grunts, way to represent the hill!
Challenge: do something great for a stranger or friend before Christmas! @Pinkie paid it forward and paid for Breakfast for everyone! Thanks @Pinkie!