13 pax posted for YHC’s VQ.
Plank while disclaimerizing. YHC is obviously not a professional. Proceed at your own risk; push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.
3 Slow dive-bombers
SSH x 16
Imp Walkers x 15
Chinooks x 10 one way
Mosey to the coupons. Oh yeah, flyover rule in effect.
The Thang
Joshua’s army circled Jericho once a day for six days. On the seventh day, the army circled the walls seven times before the army shouted, and the walls came down. Therefore:
- Seven each of burpees, WWII, boxcutters (with cindy), hammers (with cindy), squat thrusters (with cindy), kettlebells (with cindy), lunges (with cindy).
- Run around the parking lot.
Repeat 1 and 2 seven times (actually, four). Intersperse with a pair of flyovers.
Return coupons and sprint back to the flag for some more CoP.
Merkins, Squats, Claps, Arm Circles, and more Walkers, and a final flyover to cap things off.
Countarama, Namearama, Announcements, Pledge, Pray, dismissed.
YHC wanted plenty of burpees and we got those in spades with a couple of flyovers. However the exercises took too long and/or the laps were too long so we couldn’t finish the seven rounds planned. We’ll do it again, just next time with some faster exercises and more burpees to get us to seven laps complete.
New communications app (Slack): download it now; we’re changing over to it on Monday. Contact BC if you aren’t going to Post on Friday.