15 PAX present this morning for Bradshaw’s VQ. 1st thank you for the opportunity to Lead this group of men in this mornings workout! Truly Blessed!
Bradshaw- VQ, Betty Crocker, Doughboy, Swabbie, Clog, Glowstick, Stripes, Footlong, Gilligan, Armrest, DQ (Dairy or Drag), Quikrete, Door Jam, Honker, and Radar.
Started off with disclaimer for no one to get hurt.
We listened to “Here We Go!” Steeler Nation Super Bowl Song while conducting SSHs, MNCs, Chinooks (forward and reverse), BWS, Plank- punches, pikes, and pulses, and flutter kicks.
We then “moseyed” clockwise around parking lot for 3 reps of bear crawls between two parking spaces. Moved to grass area for the card shuffle. Diamonds= mericans, Spades= flutter kick 4 count, Clubs= LBC, and Hearts= Overhead Arm Clap 4 count. Two jokers were used to learn something about our Brothers within the group as they selected the exercise. More flutter kicks and Overhead Arm Claps followed by small and large circles. We then moseyed back to the COP for cool down presented by Swabbie, Clog, and Footlong.
Namearoma and Headcount, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer requests and prayer closed of the workout.
Prayer request- Jennie for surgery today! Prayer request- Bradshaw interview tomorrow with Church. Praise- Erin one year post surgery!
Playlist- Here We Go!, Iron Man, Thunderstruck, Get Jiggy Wit It, and MotownPhilly.
Thanks Again, Bradshaw Out!