The morning started with a disclaimer then coupons were revealed. 1 log (120lbs…ish), 2 sandbags (60lbs ea.), 1 bucket with 40lb bag, 1 bag of deer corn (40lbs), and a stretcher. 2 items were voted out and not carried (1 60 lb sandbag and the 40lb bucket). Total weight carried by the 7 PAX, including rucks, was approximately 420lbs.
Strategic thinking began immediately and the challenge is to figure the best way to carry and rest while remaining on the move. Started off with everyone caring something and the stretcher was empty. Ended up loading down the stretcher and rotating carriers.
Even though this was a small sampling, I think much was learned. We even ended up with some buddy carries. We only lost one PAX member and had to carry him on the stretcher.
Im excited about the challenge of the upcoming GoRuck event and the joy of participating with F3 brothers.