Two Pax arrive to the sub-artic conditions in the coastal Empire. Neither impressed but dressed for success, warning, then ????. With Mumble chatter faster than the shuffle we did two laps around the school, approximately 2 miles. YHC has misplaced, charging cable for garmin and Amazon Smiles donated to F3 foundation, with the purchase of the garmin replacement, we should be trackable @ Spark in the gloom for an epic event you don’t want to miss. Maybe not as epic as the time that birthday boy got popped in the six during tractor pulls back in 16 or was it 17, now that YHC is an elder the memory of when it occured is fuzzy, the wounds have healed and the pictures have dissapeard, but the pain is remembered.
Both pax are planning to post and dealing with all that life can throw at them. Burdens are sharable, go do you, hold on the ride is bearable and fun if you look at it from the right perspective.
COT – delivered by Stoke, thoughtful, deep and proviking – thanks for the fufillment.