Iron, Steel, Purpose

5 pax started the week with a sense of purpose. We often say iron sharpens iron, like one man sharpens another man. Take that iron, and man forms it into a steel beams for a purpose and when used properly, you have faith in it’s integrity to do as intended. And so the sky Q has done for you, and has faith yet you differ in that you have choices, so often we make choices to please ourselves, is that what the sky Q would have you do by intended purpose?

COP low plank, four corners around BCABS with 25 merkins, air squats and imperial walkers at each for a total of 100 and a quarter mile.

Mosey to turf field number 1 or the further one from BCABS.

Five stations, 60lb sand bag shoulder carry, Two five gallon water jugs (40lbs each) tote carry, 40lb sand bag chest carry front, Ruck sack 50lb, 20 burpees 100 yard, mosey 100 yard cool down, then 100 yard up down sprints back to coupons.

Rinse Repeat until everyone went through the every station.

Mosey back to BCABS.

COT, Pledge

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