Turf Time 13th amendment


It was a rather warm morning in the Hill, where we were grateful the rain decided to hold off for the most part. The theme for today was Six/13. On this day in 1865, the 13th amendment was ratified, which abolished slavery. Here’s workout in light of the theme.


13 Moroccan Night Clubs IC
13 Imperial Walkers IC
13 Through the Tunnels IC
13 Windmills IC

We eventually moseyed down to the turf field #2. Upon our arrival, we each grabbed a sandbag and headed to the visitors bench. The goal was to complete the workout below 6 sets. Due to time constraints, we were only able to get 4 sets in.

The Thang

6 Excercises | 6 Sets | 13 Reps Each

Deep Squats with Sandbag
Walking Lunges with Sandbag
Shoulder Presses with Sandbag
Dips on bench
50 Yard Sprint in less than 13 secs
Core Exercise

Set 1: 4 Count LBC’s
Set 2: 4 Count Flutter Kicks
Set 3: 39 Second Plank Hold (13 secs x 3 pax members)
Set 4: 13 Reverse Crunch

Rinse and Repeat x 4

We finished strong with 78 Ballerinas and moseyed back to the BCABS building.


We finished with the pledge and Friar Tuck prayed us out.

Prayer requests: Those impacted by the death and injuries from the school bus accident in Liberty County yesterday afternoon.


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